Dear Community,. We would like to give you an update about the Milonair partnership.

18 Sep 2022, 20:08
Dear Community, We would like to give you an update about the Milonair partnership. Our founder Alvaro discussed the details of the partnership directly with Milonair on 22nd of August over a phone call. After agreeing to the partnership, the Betero team prepared the post during the day and posted it in the evening. We have talked with Milonair today to clarify the situation. From his side the partnership is still active however he wants to confirm a few details with Betero during the following week. Milo is even interested in working together with Betero long term to support us while we are growing. This includes connecting us to other rappers and music artists to support Betero. The full details of this extended partnership hasn’t been finalized with Milonair yet. As a result of our excitement about the partnership, the Betero team has posted the announcement too early. We’re sorry that there has been some uncertainty about this partnership. It’s our priority to be as transparent as possible with our community. We will keep you posted and are looking forward to have full clarity during the following week. We at Betero are proud of all our previous partnerships which follow Betero on Instagram and have officially confirmed it. Besides all of our partnerships, we have good news about the development of our product which we are preparing a big announcement for. It includes sharing our anticipated launch date of the Betero platform, which will be before a major football event this year. Your Betero team