Dear community,. every business is like a relationship. If you work on it, it makes you happy and that for life.

06 Aug 2022, 19:43
Dear community, every business is like a relationship. If you work on it, it makes you happy and that for life. From the outside, you never see what's going on internally, the hard work you do. Everything is evaluated superficially by outsiders. Since day one we have been working hard on our project, we have never stopped believing in ourselves and living for our goals. During the investor talks we promised you that the app will be released in the new soccer season! This has not changed. The upcoming season is still our goal, which we will realize. Unfortunately, recently rumors have spread that we promised you the first matchday of the Bundesliga as the release date. It makes us sad that such a thing is invented without any evidence, but we continue to work on our product. We have informed you about the steps, you can see how the user interface looks like, you could also test the prototype for the first time on June 14 and leave your feedback. The fact that development takes time is not a new invention. With the lawyers we have also already settled the licenses, we are in the final phase. Thank you for your trust, we have received an incredible number of private messages to our team, which show us that we are on the right track. We promise you, there will be great things coming your way!