CMC have major delays due to many projects applying for listings, rest assured the application is being processed and we have is

18 Apr 2022, 11:14
CMC have major delays due to many projects applying for listings, rest assured the application is being processed and we have issued a follow up. At this point there is not much we can do to push the application process any faster as CMC have strict do's and dont's for application processing which includes spam messaging, re applying, tagging on any social media for attention etc - all of these things will delay the application even more. I understand most will be aware applications don't take as long from previous experience with other projects but you must also understand that in the present days there has been a massive influx of project creations and applications, more than ever before. Please be patient. BETERO community is strong and we believe all good things come in good time šŸ’ŖšŸ» šŸ’ššŸ¤